The event is designed to help families and providers better understand the impact dementia may have on tribal communities. The conference is scheduled in Tucson from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Oct 19, at Desert Diamond Casinos.
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, Native Americans are more likely to develop the disease or other...
The final coverage decision is designed to provide access to Medicare beneficiaries in the early stages of Alzheimer's while ensuring the safety and effectiveness of Biogen’s Aduhelm. Beneficiaries will have access to the drug once they enroll in an approved FDA or NIH trial designed to better determine whether the drug slows the...
Last Monday, the Food and Drug Administration approved a breakthrough new treatment for Alzheimer's disease. The treatment is the first of its kind in decades but many in the scientific community remain skeptical of the new drug's effectiveness.
Aduhelm -- the brand name of aducanumab -- is designed to eliminate clumps of a toxic...National News
The Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) looked at the impact of COVID-19 on Medicare beneficiaries with dementia and found that people disproportionately affected by dementia, including older adults, people of color and nursing home residents, were also...
The study's results are detailed on Health Service Research and examines survival and Medicare expenditures in older adults with and without dementia to estimate dementia’s incremental costs to Medicare in the five years after diagnosis. Researchers discovered patients with dementia also had significantly higher expenditures in the 12...
The Human Rights Watch report makes the claim that the overmedication of antipsychotics in nursing homes has become an epidemic.
The report quotes Walter L., a Texas nursing home patient who was given antipsychotics. “Too many times I’m given too many pills…, I can’t even talk. I have a thick tongue when they do that. I ask...