After nearly ten years, a lawsuit challenging the quality of healthcare for more than 27,000 people incarcerated in Arizona’s prisons went to trial on Monday, November 1st.
The lawsuit was original filed in 2012, shortly before Arizona’s prison medical services were taken over by private contractors, a move that has not only...
Special expert appointed by U.S. District Judge Roslyn Silver to review Arizona prison healthcare submitted a report on Oct. 4 recommending the state to steer clear of privatizing inmate healthcare and recommended that Silver instead override a state law requiring Arizona to contract healthcare for prisons from third parties. Following...
Arizona Public Radio turned up the heat in an investigative report and later a federal judge called for a hearing for February 9 to investigate the report's allegations.
During a status hearing of Parsons v. Ryan last week (December 20) Magistrate Judge David Duncan referred to the KJZZ report which cited a former prison doctor who...